The Worcestershire Golf Club Ltd

The Worcestershire Golf Club is a traditional private members club and is also a limited company.

The Board of Directors have General Management responsibility and sets the policies with the aid of sub-committees for greens, membership, house and finance. One third of the directors are elected each year at the AGM, which is normally held in September.

Board of Directors


Jim Pawson (Chairman)

Jonathan Halford

Lynn Morgan (House)

Stuart Green (Captain)

David Horn (Finance)

Peter McNeil (Greens)

Stuart MacKellar

Julie Saunders

Sue Wood (Lady Captain)

Course Manager - Steve Lloyd

Steve has been Course Manager at the Club since 2014 and is presently Chairman of The British and International Golf Greenkeepers' Association.

Course Status
Currently open
11.09.2024 07:32
View Status
11/09/24 Course Open
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